Testimonials from 1892 to Today


Firstly I would point out that when Rene Caisse treated her cancer patients initially it was just with drinking a tea. Later she developed her method, hoping to make it appropiate to the medical profession. She tried using it in injection form. This was not a great success. and she decided to inject some of the herbs and gave the rest as a tea. Here is how Caisse described it herself...

I well remember the first injection of the medication: Dr R O Fisher called me and said he had a patient from Lyons, New York, who had cancer of the throat and tongue and he wanted me to inject it into the tongue. Well, I was nearly scared to death as there was a violent reaction - a severe chill and the tongue was swollen so badly, the doctor had to press it down with a spatula to let the patient breathe. This lasted about twenty minutes, then the swelling went down, the chill subsided and the patient was all right. In fact the cancer stopped growing and the patient went home and lived quite comfortably for almost four years.

It was then that we started eliminating one substance, then another, until I found out which ingredients actually stopped the growth of the malignancy and could be given by injection, without causing any reaction. However, we found that this was not enough. The other ingredients were necessary to purify the blood while the growth was being destroyed, so we decided that along with the injection, I would give the medicine orally. This brought quicker results than just giving it all orally, as I had been doing up to that time.

Rene Caisse originally hoped to use all the herbs in injectable form but her own scientific research proved conclusively this was not going to be a solution.

Most people use a double boiling method, originally started by Gary Glum. DON'T. RENE CAISSE NEVER DID

In fact we have seen on the recently released video of her making the tea:

  • She always used POWDERED HERBS.
  • When powdered herbs were unavailable she purchased a herb grinder.
  • She boiled some of the herbs but added others after the boiling.
  • The herbs she added after the boiling were left to steep.
  • When she added the herbs to steep for several hours, the tea was ready.
  • There was no second boiling.
  • She did not keep it in BROWN BOTTLES.
  • She boiled it in a regular pot!

It was Gary Glum who started this double boiling and cut herb (not powdered) trend and most suppliers including herbal suppliers followed thinking Glum knew what he was doing. Glum was also wrong about the Brown Bottles etc. as you can clearly see on her video. As you follow through this site you will see how many times Glum got it wrong, mislead the world, LIED OFTEN to cover his inability to provide the truth and the knowledge. Look for more information about Glum under "Articles".

I have no time for anyone who misleads the public when it comes to life and death matters, and will expose anyone I see falsifying any truths, be they in the medical or alternative field. I was diagnosed with cancer in 1995. My father died from cancer in 1982. Both my in-laws died from mestasised bowel cancer. I will want to stop the growing rate of cancer and this starts with the truth and the facts being available to all who want them.

In most cases the brief information in the paragraph above will be dealth with more detail in other postings.


It is very simple and straight forward to make the tea as demonstrated by Rene Caisse in her film.


In your double container of herbs you will find a measuring cup inside the top lid.


Put 3.5 litres of drinking water in a pot and one scoop of the herbs in the top container.


Bring to the boil and simmer(boil gently) for 30 minutes so as to not loose too much water in steam. Put the lid on but be aware if can boil over.


Remove from the flame or element, and immediately add one scoop (the same scoop) of the herbs in the bottom container, and stir.


Leave to cool and then pour into a container and refrigerate. Never leave it out of the refrigerator once it is cold.

Common questions answered.

I leave the herbs to settle in the bottom and just leave them there until it is empty.

Many people decant and reboil the herbs. This is not as potent but can have a surprising effect for many people, so give it to your partner or parent or friend to try for a few weeks and see if it is helpful to them. Others use the remains to compost or mulch their garden.

What water do I use? Whatever you feel is fit for you to drink. Water varies arround the world. If you drink it, it will be even safer after boiling for 30 minutes.

What do you store it in. I use a plastic milk container. Some people prefer glass. If you use plastic, do not pour it into the container until it is cold.

Often I leave it over night to cool, but that means I still need to refrigerate it. It is best to drink it refrigerated.

Keep the lids on the herb powder containers when not being used.

If you leave it unrefrigerated in a warm climate it can go off and become undrinkable in a few hours.

Dont drink or stir up the sediment.
It feels and tastes unpleasant if you do
But wont hurt you.
