Testimonials from 1892 to Today

If doctors can't cure your cancer CAN U?

Wikipedia says

Cure is the end of a medical condition; the substance or procedure that ends the medical condition, such as a medication, a surgical operation, a change in lifestyle, or even a philosophical mindset that helps end a person's sufferings. It may also refer to the state of being healed, or cured.

(Say you have breast or bowel cancer, and have the breast or bowel removed surgically you are cured?
With no bowel or breast what has been cured? Your bowel or breast they threw out in the rubbish?

REMISSION is a temporary end to the medical signs and symptoms of an incurable disease. A disease is said to be incurable if there is always a chance of the patient relapsing, no matter how long the patient has been in remission. ,

(Like cutting off your breast or cutting out your bowels or part of your lung.
But how often do we find it is the start of a downhill slide with Metastasis appearing in other locations).

Are doctors curing infections

How about a sore throat?
Can your doctor cure a cold?
Can your doctor cure the flue?
Any good with mumps, chicken pox or measles?
Think deeper. Malaria, HIV/AIDS Rabies, Polio, Leprosy?
In fact the lists amount to hundreds of types of infections?
Or SV40, Cancer Infection injected into millions with their Polio Innoculation.

Your healthy immune system

Your immune system dangers

A barrier formed by the skin around the body

Something may break the skin barrier, such as having a drip in your arm or a wound from surgery

The inner linings of the gut and lungs, which produce mucus and trap invading bacteria

Chemotherapy may damage the lining of the gut, causing severe diarrhoea and can break down the gut lining

Hairs that move the mucus and trapped bacteria out of the lungs

Radiotherapy to the lung can damage the hairs and mucus producing cells that help to remove bacteria

Stomach acid, which kills bacteria that have been swallowed

Anti acid medicines for heartburn may neutralise the stomach acid that kills bacteria

Helpful bacteria growing in the bowel, which prevent other bacteria from taking over

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy kill good and bad bacteria for the same reason they kill cancerous cells

Urine flow, which flushes bacteria out of the bladder and urethra

A catheter into your bladder can become a route for bacteria to get inside the bladder and cause infection

White blood cells called neutrophils, which can find and kill bacteria and other infectious organisms

Chemotherapy reduces the number of neutrophils in the blood making it difficult to fight off infection


Absolutely. The way we try and rid the world of these diseases is with inoculations. And what is an inoculation? I know a little about inoculations being the father of a girl who had an inoculation whose strength could not be controled as it was apparently "grown" in an animal. She was brain damaged permanently from her Whooping Cough inoculation by 13 months of age. It is amazing she didn't die from it. Yes an inoculation is a "controled" (hopefully) dose of the "germs" squirted into the vein. WHY? So the body recognises the infection as foreign and creates an immunity towards it. Unfortunately with the triple antigen I now know it was not possible to control the strength of the disease injected.
But the important point is inoculations do not prevent disease. They arouse the IMMUNE SYSTEM of the disease and stimulate the IMMUNE SYSTEM to develop a way of getting rid of the disease. This is why doctors say that the more contact children have in a less sterile environment, the better their IMMUNE SYSTEM is at fighting more diseases.

Most people know cancer cells are hyperactive malformed rogue cells that keep multiplying and reproducing themselves. One of these that is not often discussed are men's sperm and women's egg cells. Sometimes these are malformed and start subdividing even before they are fertilised. They create what is known as a teratoma. If you look up teratoma on Wikipedia you will see it is not what you are thinking. It can have hair, teeth, bones, skin etc in fact any form of cells that we have, but is never a body as such. In fact a very famous teratoma is being used in laboratories around the world from a woman who died from her disease about 1952. Given the right conditions the teratoma/tumor just continues subdividing. These human cells can be used to test human response to chemicals, medicines, make up etc in "labs" before they are tested on humans. The important reason I am telling you this is These cells also produce the hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) which is also produced by pregnant women so the new baby they are carrying is not recognised as a foreign body and rejected by the immune system. A bit like the anti-rejection meds the doctor uses for people who have had an organ transplant.


What many people do not realise is many cancers are caused by infections. So if your cancer is infection based what you need most is an extremely powerful immune system which can kill diseases. After all whether or not you have an inoculation it is your immune system which eventually kills the cold, flue, mumps and measles etc, nothing to do with medicines.

Most people see a doctor at his practice. This is fine for getting a diagnosis, but if I have cancer I want to see doctors who have stopped practicing and are curing people. So when I, a father of a 3 year old son and with a wife expecting a girl in 2 months, was told I had cancer inside me in 1995, and couldn't find a doctor who is confident of his ability to cure cancer, a Professor of Oncology who knew of my book, with first hand experience of my work and lecturers, told me "You know what to do". I treated myself with my herbs. That is why I am still here cancer free 2 decades later, and I paid no medical bills!
I would like to point out when I was diagnosed with cancer in 1995, with my daughter due to be born in 2 months, the first thought I had when I was diagnosed was the fear my daughter would never know her dad. I would never have any part in my 3 yr old son's and unborn daughter's upbringing. There was so much I wanted them to know and know about me. So many things I wanted to share with them. I started typing out my life's story for them. I wanted them to know what I stood for. How much I would have loved them and want to be part of their lives. I told them about their deceased grandparents, and the great things they did, about their half-brothers and brain damaged (inocculations) half-sister. My beliefs and achievements. It frequently bought tears to my eyes. It still does now as I recall this 20years later, the sleepless nights, the stresses, the lonliness, I couldn't even bring myself to tell my wife. She had enough on her plate being 7 months pregnant. This was a battle I had to fight on my own, at a critical time in my life, and I had to make the hardest decisions on my alone. I know what it is to face these problems. I did head on! I experienced what each of you are facing, what no-one else can understand who hasn't been there. It was also arround the time the government stopped me supplying the tea, and my income was also stopped. How much stress can you put on one person?

For this reason and the success of the many others who have written to me with their stories on this site I say read about Chemo and Radiation and Surgery on this section, look at the stats for your disease, and make an intelligent decision. You will likely only get one chance, and the first is the most important if you get a second chance.

The cancer industry have started using a new form of "War on Cancer".

New Chemotherapy drugs have been developed such as interferon, interleukin 2 and monoclonal antibodies. For years they have also developing inoculations that stimulate the immune system to attack cancer cells. I hope they find some success soon.

There are a few very relevant things I have to point out here. There are several examples on the site of your immune system's method and system in which it destroys or disolves cancer cells.
It is important to tell you these because some people have died by not having this information, and being told the wrong thing by their specialists, not unnderstanding the steps the immune system boosted by the tea actually progresses.

  1. Your boosted immune system will not reduce the size of your original growth usually. Unlike Chemo or radiation that burn from the outside, your immune system destroys from the center of a tumour. As it progresses it gets to the stage it looks like a raw egg, soft centre and hard outer shell. Eventually the outer shell will dissolve., and may need to be drained away in a hospital. This applies to most cancers, but you can see by the stories of bowel and bladder cancer. CSee these by clicking the maroon heading Successes then Bowel or Bladder) There are other effects people have told us about, that you must know if you have either of these. I have not heard of people who have recovered from cancers like lung cancer needing to be drained, or needing any such treatment, and the dissolving normally applies where there are many or very big tumours , otherwise the body just removes the waste naturally.

  2. If you have any METASTASIS, first your immune system will attack the most recent metastasis, then the 2nd most recent, then the 3rd etc. I have seen a woman with 36 tumours in her abdomen ranging from the size of a large grapefruit down. She could feel them with her hand and could tell me where another one had started growing. She was not being treated medically, she was too far gone. As she boosted her immune system with the tea she got to a stage where her abdomen grew bigger and harder, and gave her pressure feelings. She went to the hospital and they told her she needed to have her abdomen area drained. She spent the night with a drain taking out the waste, and a couple of litres was in the container by morning. She also had less cancer tumours, the recent ones had gone. She was allowed to go home in the morning and carried on with the tea. This happened twice more over the next few months, and the number of tunours reduced so such a small number the specialist decided she was no longer passing away and offered to start treating her again. For the patient this was great news, or so she thought. Unfortunately within a week she was dead. Her husband said to me if only she had carried on with the tea instead of going into hospital for treatment.

Intelligent decisions
  • Are made in the cold light of day, calmly and considering all possabilities and implications.
  • After discussions with your health professional.
    • What staging is your cancer in, is the cancer spread and how far and where too.
    • What treatments are available.
    • What are the survival rates for your condition.
    • What is your life expectancy.
    • What side effects would you have, short term and long term.
    • If you want to be a guinea pig you may discuss research testing new drugs.
  • With all the facts.
    • You also need to look at the alternatives especially where the prognosis is bad.
    • If you are looking at pancreatic, lung, liver, esophigal or stomach cancer, your chances of survival are not so good with medical treatment but are high with herbal results.
    • If you are looking at bowel or bladder you will have a choice of an external waste bag, or the tea releasing the cancer in your waste, see the stories in SUCCESS (red) BUTTON then bowel or bladder.
    • If you have metastasis (spread to other organs) you will find the tea is a better and safer option and gets rid of the metastasis before the source of the cancer.
  • Have discussions with Family members and friends and talk about your options.
  • It takes about 15 years for a breast cancer lump to become the size of a pea. Yet the day you are diagnosed with your cancer you will be told if you don't start treatment immediately it could be too late. Yes it may be too late, but too late for you to discuss the situation and research it and know your options. You may have surgery that does not save you and leaves you will little chance of survival any way with other options. If you are 100 years old then 5 year survival sounds reasonable. If you are 20, 5 years is not reasonable. Yet doctors survival rates are for the first 5 years, then you are fine in their book. They think they did a great job! You have made it! Many people live for 5 to 10 years, but we don't get told the stats for that normally. If you are 20 you want to know about 10 or 20 years at least. What if you want to marry and have a family? In fact in many cases researched, people live longer with no treatment than with treatment. Now you can check things out for yourself. Why do the majority of Oncologists who were asked in research questionaires admit they would not have Chemotherapy for example?
But this is about explaining

In general, cancer cells are hyperactive, malformed cells.
  • Because they are hyperactive, they have weaknesses normal cells don't have.
  • Cancer cells can not withstand very high temperatures as well as normal cells do.
  • That is why doctors burn them with radiation (which is one of the main causes of cancer!
  • In some countries they treat cancer with very hot baths.
    • The water is as hot as the patient can stand.
    • A doctors is present to check the water temperature is bearable.
    • Nurses stand round the bath and push the water around the patient so it remains hot around the body.
    • This is done 3-4 times a week, and each time the temperature is raised slightly as the patient grows able to withstand higher temperatures over time.
    • In time the cells gradually die from the regular exposure to high temperature the body can stand but not the cancer cells.
    • It has its limitations, the deeper and better protected the cancer cells the harder/longer it takes to work. Obviously some are too deeply situated for this method.
    • Am I suggesting the average person do this. Not really. You can overdo it and you need a lot of support and medical supervision.
    • But it does show another approach without medication and side effects we could be using in our medical facilities, and at a reasonable price.
  • Because CANCER cells are malformed they should be instantly recognised by your own immune system.

  • Every day our bodies make thousands of cells and some of them are malformed.

  • The older we get the more malformed cells we make, as you will understand. Statstically most people get cancer in the 60+ age segment.

  • Usually the immune system recognises these cells and destroys them.

  • The immune systems lack of ability to recognise these cancer cells and get rid of them is the main reason we get cancer. If you can boost your immune system enough it will return to its task of getting rid of these malformed cells in many cases. That is why people like Rene Caisse (who used the same herbs as I did and still do) found when patients recovered they lived disease free for 20,30,40+, years after they were diagnosed with terminal cancer, had no more of her herbal treatment. Their immune system was back working healthy again, and there was no return of their disease, even though she did not treat them again after they recovered.

  • Can you imagine if doctors could get rid of your cancer and it never returned. Well that happens when you have surgery, like a breast or bowel removed because it is no longer there. But there are plenty of people who find that is the start of their cancer not the end. It goes to the lung or brain or some other organ for its next attack, because your immune system is not only not stimulated but in many cases destroyed by the treatment for the first case, like Chemo which destroys the immune system.

  • Doctors and governments have been telling us all in recent years we should eat fruit and vegetables ever day to reduce the possibility of cancer, heart disease. Why? So our immune systems are boosted to fight these problems. Unfortunately when we get cancer, the immune system is not coping and doing its job, and that is why you can cure your cancer if you can boost your immune system to take back control of these rogue hyperactive malformed cells.

  • And it is why people have found that boosting their immune system also helped with so many other diseases and malfunctioning organs like Bladder, Catarrh, cold, Constipation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diabetes, Flue, Ross River Virus, Shingles and Ulcer. Doctors had developed many expensive, chemical treatments for these conditions, and some do help, but you have your immune system, the best most universal treatment in the world, so boost it look after it and it will look after you better than anyone can.


In 1994 I received a phone call from a nice lady who I had been supplying Essiac to. She asked me if I could send her some more of the tea, and also told me she was going to see her doctor that afternoon. A year ago he had told her she had less than 12 months top live, but now she thought he was going to give her the all clear from her breast cancer. She said she was going to tell him what she had done to recover and that she would take along some of the articles she had about Essiac. She wanted to tell her doctor that instead of telling his patients they would be dead in a year's time, he could give them hope by using the Essiac. She would give him my money so he could find out all about it.

I understood the enthusiasm she felt, as anyone would who was told they were going to die with no hope of recovery, they 12 months later to find her death sentence had gone like a bad dream. But i warned her, I did not think the doctor would want to know how she recovered, or anything about me. She assured me he was a great doctor, always nice and helpful, and she was sure he would want to help any patients who went to him with cancer.

That afternoon I got a phone call asking "Are you Max"

I Replied "Yes I am".

Next he said to me "You are curing people from cancer."

I replied it was nice of him to say so, but I did not make such claims.'

He shouted "I will stop you doing this to our industry."(Words I can never forget hearing!)

My reply was "I thought cancer was a disease not an industry."(Words I can never forget saying!)

He slammed the phone down in my ear! It would not surprise me if he actually brohe his phone doing it!

In less than a month I received a fax on my machine from the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This is the government department who licence medicines in and for Australia.

The fax read "Your Essiac has become known in the treatment of Cancer. Therefore we are licencing it as a medication. As you are not a doctor you may not prescribe it and you are not a chemist so you can't supply it."

WE are talking about 4 herbs sold throughout the world including Australia. But now when I put them together they are a medicine, and I can not use my recipe to make them into a herbal tea!

WHAT WIILL THEIR NEXT LICENCED FORMULA BE? LEMON JUICE AND HONEY IN HOT WATER FOR A COLD? That wicked disease that doctors have been looking for a cure for for over 100 years.

Research shows eating the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables every day (Remember 5&2) can prevent: CORONARY DISEASE, SOME FORMS OF CANCER, OBESITY AND CONSTIPATION. So do we licence them if they are named in the prevention of these diseases, which are responsibe for nearly half of all deaths in Australia?

Perhaps it is the "success" aspect that the Therapeutic Goods Administration is most concerned about. After all most of the chemicals they licence are poisonous unlike the herbal tea which has no proven/known side effects, even if you drink huge amounts. But there are lots of licenced medicines that do not have success, and have horrendous side effects yet they are given freely by doctors and chemists.

BUT. There is always a but!!!

In the subsequent letter she posted me, Val Johannson, Head Of Surveilance at the TGA says "If I promote or supply the Essiac, "The maximum penalty is $24,000 for an individual or $120,000 for a corporation in respect of each offence.

This for selling herbs which in a worst case do nothing and in the best case helps a terminally ill, dying cancer patient.

Some months later a woman by the name of Val Johannsen contacted my office and said her husband was dying from prostate cancer. Could I do anything to help. This may have been a trap, but the fact she used her real name leads me to think it could be genuine. But I did what I had never done. I said "NO!"

In more than 20 years of supplying herbal tea I have learned a lot. I will try and include as much as I can here, but I have also learned there are people who use my success to promote their products, and there is nothing world wide that bears any resemblance to my herbal formula's, costing, preparation or use.

I am not making this site available for free for others to copy or quote or refer people too. You can become a member of this site by becoming a member, and you can promote the use of the site and membership, and find out other interesting ways to help family and friends who want to know more, and members will be able to tell you more about these aspects.

1910 FORD

Make sure you read all the statistics under the photo.
This is progress from just over 100 years ago . . . Amazing!!!

The year is 1910, just over one hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1910:
The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.
The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2,000 per year,
A dentist $2,500 per year,
A veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year,
A mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME.
Ninety percent of all Physicians had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which
were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.'

Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
The 5 leading causes of death in the US don't include cancer:
1. Pneumonia Broncitis 92,135
2. Tuberculosis 86,309
3. Heart disease 76,178
4. Diarrhea 54,226
5. Brights Disease (Kidneys) 47,665
6. Stroke 47,456
7. Accidents 45,416
8. Cancer 41,034

The American flag had 45 stars.
The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was only 30!
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
2 in 10 adults couldn't read or write and only 6% of all Americans had graduated from high school.
Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A. (but almost everyone had a gun!)
Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.
Leading causes of death in the US 2014
1. Heart disease: 611,105
2. Cancer: 584,881
3. Preventable Medical error: 440,000
4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 149,205
5. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 130,557
6. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,978
7. Alzheimer's disease: 84,767
8.Diabetes: 75,578 *
Lucky we don't include cancer related chemo and surgey in Cancer deaths!
Click here to see the

Which state...

I will neither give a deadly drug...
I will not use the knife,...

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth,
but a sick human being,
whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability.
