Community Centre

As printed in the Bracebridge Examiner 1979
(Post humously by her request.)

Part 4
Cancer is Heredity in some cases.

Malignant cells form and feed upon the healthy ones. I believe that there is an interchange of substances between the malignant cells and the healthy cells of the body; malignant cells absorbing from the healthy cells, that which is required for their growth and development, while they throw off into the human body, something which emaciates and destroys it. In this Dreadful growth, the healthy tissue is destroyed until finally a living destructive organ dominates and spreads its evil shape without resistance.

The Cancer Research Foundation once announced that they were giving two doctors in Toronto a grant of $226,503.00 to let them prove that viruses cause Cancer. The virus theory was brought out by two scientific doctors from Liverpool, years ago and these doctors were brought over to America to prove their theory and were discredited because they were not able to reproduce the same results here that they had obtained in their own laboratories.

I do not believe that cancer is caused by viruses, but I can readily believe that a malignant mass can create viruses and that is where the interchange of substances between the malignant cells and the healthy cells takes place. The malignant cells take from the healthy cells, and in the exchange throw off viruses into the healthy cells, in order to weaken and destroy them. I feel sure that if viruses are discovered, it will be in this area.

As for cancer being hereditary, my experience with many thousands of patients tells me that it is - in some cases. I do not mean that one inherits the actual growth, but that one can inherit a pre-disposition to the disease and any destruction of the cells in these people will set up a malignant growth. However, at the present time, there are babies being born with malignancy, of parents who have no history of cancer at all. This, I believe, is caused by radioactive fall-out.

The Cancer Society has been in existence for over fifty years and everyone donates to their support, hoping each year that they will find something beneficial in the treatment of this Dread disease, which is claiming so many of our loved ones, but up to date they know not the cause, nor the cure. I have in my possession, an old pocket encyclopaedia which was written in 1901, edited by Dr George M Gould and Dr Walter L Pyle of Philadelphia, (formerly editors of International Medical Magazine), in which they define "CANCER" - (Carcinoma) thus: and I quote: "A malignant tumour characterised by a network of connecting tissue. The areola of which are filled with cell masses resembling epithelial cells. Recent observation seems to point to its micro-organismal origin and infectious nature. Local carcinoma are described under a different heading. "Unquote.

I doubt whether the present day scientists could tell you anything more about cancer, after all these years of research than this. An examination of the value of medical treatments, especially the obsession that destructive treatment by surgery, radiation and nitrogen mustard-like Drugs is the only treatment worthwhile, combined with a willingness to investigate, could lead to the eventual cure of cancer. Such a cure will probably be obtained after the discovery of some biochemical variation between the malignant cells and the healthy cells.

It has been found in post mortems that individuals have had cancer during their lives without knowing of its existence and the cancer has increased to the extent that all that remained was the evidence that destructive work had at one time been done and stopped. Nature had either supplied the body with the resistance or more probably, the human system ceased to supply the malignant cells with the material vital to its existence. The human body cannot stand the havoc and destruction caused by any external irritating or lethal agent such as radiation, which is strong enough to destroy a living cancer, and must consequently destroy the living tissue, including the healthy tissue.

My treatment is non-toxic herbs, given by hypodermic injections into the muscle. The treatment goes to the seat of the trouble no matter where it is; whether internally or on the surface, and gives to the healthy cells, the strength to resist the demands of the malignant cells for the substance upon which the malignancy thrives, thus causing a recession of the malignant cells from the healthy cells, which have become stronger. " Essiac" treatment consists of an intramuscular injection, followed by medication given orally to purify the blood and carry off any infection thrown off by the destruction of the malignant cells. Both of these medications are made from non-toxic herbs.
