Testimonials from 1892 to Today

Prostate Cancer and Shingles


George Callahan

Address Age

49 years


Dr Pappas


Brusch Medical Clinic, USA


Prostrate Cancer


When first treated patient had severe, painful case of shingles in eyebrows and supraorital region.
Patient in run down physical state, without appetite, very listless and had been absent from his business for long periods.
Pain from shingles disappeared after fifth treatment.
Shortly after the treatment started, the patient's ability to breathe improved markedly and no more plural effusion developed.
Patient's outlook and physical state much improved. Appetite returned and actively running own business again.


Weight gain of 10 lbs by mid-October. Right supraorital pain returned as of 9/4, but not as severe.
Hard nodule in prostate remains unchanged on palpation.
An extract from
The Brusch Research for René Caisse.
Dr Brusch was not interested enough to keep a copy of his research.
These cases were in Rene Caisse's files which were NOT destroyed as some misleading writers claim.

It is the Author's experience that cancer disolves from the center, becoming like an egg and the tumour in time would completely disolve through the hard outer layer.