Testimonials from 1892 to Today


G Patient

Mr Peter Hannon


Orville, Ontario


65 years


Dr Edwin Malkin


Parry Sound, Ontario


Cancer of the Bowels

Patient was advised to go to the hospital. Patient took a haemorrhage August 34, 1937. Patient had X-rays taken 8 years ago first in Parry Sound and again in St Michaels Hospital Toronto by Dr Wilson, Toronto.
Patient has had pain on and off for 10 years or more.
8/1937 Had first treatment by Caisse
Weight was 137 pounds.
11/1937 Patient has very little pain and is feeling better.
12/1937 Patient feels so much better. His doctor, Dr Malkin of Parry Sound, is surprised that haemorrhages have stopped.
10/1938 Patient is feeling very well and working hard. Is well pleased with the result of the treatment in his case. Patient told Miss Caisse that his brother who developed cancer the same time as he did, went to Toronto and had radium treatment and an operation and is now dead while he immediately took Miss Caisse's treatment and today is living and feels very well.
Copy of letter written to Miss Caisse from Mr P. Hannon,- Orville,

August 3, 1938
Miss René M. Caisse,
In reply to your card I am pleased with the stand you have taken toward your patients. Surely they will leave you alone now. If there is anything I can do to help you in any way you can depend on me. I cannot say what day I will be down to see you. It will be one of the days mentioned on your card.
My brother whom I told you about that was treated with radium is in bed fast now. Do you think you could do him some good if I could make some arrangements to have you come to see him? Kindly let me know by return mail what you think about my brother.

Peter Hannon

Copy of letter written by Mr Peter Hannon

To whom it may concern-
I hereby certify that I have been treated for Cancer of the Bowels by Miss René Caisse. I was subject to haemorrhages and severe pains.
Since taking her treatments they have left me. I can highly recommend her treatment to anyone suffering as I did.

P Hannon